Wolfgang W. Daeumler, Perouse
Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, is
author of following publications
related to the horn torus (i.a.)
on Academia:
Conformal Mappings onto Horn Torus (2019)
a strict epistemological reduction of physical objects (2019)
on ResearchGate:
Replacement of the Riemann Sphere by a Horn Torus (‘doughnut’) and
Conformal Mappings between Plane, Sphere and Horn Torus (2020)
Epistemological Reduction of ‘Reality’ (2020)
on Roman Science Publications:
The horn torus model in light and context of division by zero calculus (2021)
on own website (synoptic):
invitation to enjoy short moments of close encounter with foundations
of what we claim to be the 'real world' (2019,
amended 2023, as html :)
old original German texts (1988...2000) /
update, German (2017)
various texts (2000...2023)
as co-author resp. provider of some thoughts and illustrations:
Horn Torus Models for the Riemann Sphere and Division by Zero (2019)
A ½ spin fiber model for the electron by E. Markoulakis (publ. 2022)
review / discussion:
by V. Puha /
by S. Saitoh
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